A&T Sysyems Inc.
Air Force LevelUp BoA Banner

Air Force LevelUp BoA

LevelUP BOAs eliminate contracting and open market costs such as searching for sources, developing technical documents and solicitations, and evaluating offers. This BOA will further decrease costs, reduce paperwork, and save time by eliminating the need for repetitive and individual Orderings. The end result is a purchasing mechanism for the Government that works better and costs less.

Program Air Force LevelUP Basic Ordering for acquiring AWS and Other Cloud Services
Contract No. FA8307-20-G-0061 – Prime Contractor
DUNS No. 15-387-0530
Team Members Major Cloud Service Providers and Resellers
Contract POC
Scope While there is no ceiling limit for this BOA, if the nature of the activity and the Government estimate for that activity under an individual order falls within the limits of FAR13.5 ($7M or $13M), then the FAR 13.5 simplified acquisition procedures will be followed for that order. For any activity and order where the Government estimate is greater than those limits, the ordering procedures under FAR 16.703 will be followed for that order. The BOA Statement of Objectives (SOO) is listed at Attachment 2 of the BOA document.
Ordering Procedure The Ordering Activities (OA) process orders are as follows:

  • An ordering activity may place orders directly with any BOA holder for orders at or below the micro-purchase threshold.
  • For orders over the micro-purchase threshold and up to $7M, an ordering activity shall forward the requirement, or statement of objectives and evaluation criteria, to at least three (3) eligible BOA holders.
  • For orders exceeding $7M, an ordering activity shall forward the requirement, or statement of objectives and evaluation criteria, to eligible BOA holders.
  • All orders become a binding contract with the issuance of the order.
  • The Government could conduct small business set-asides.